Thai soups have incredible flavours and are ultra comforting - guaranteed to cheer you up and brighten your mood. These soups are part of a perfect dinner and are the perfect remedy to chase away a cold or flu. From the famous Tom Yum soup to vegetarian soups to Thai chicken noodles, there's something for everyone. Sip, taste and enjoy!
Find these soups in the best Thai restaurant in Brussels: Manola.
The top of the Thai soups that we offer at Manola:
: This famous Thai soup is made of noodles. It is a street food dish in Thailand that is usually sold in a trolley presentation. It is a soup that warms the heart and body and which all Thai people love. It consists of rice noodles or yellow egg noodles. You can choose your choice of meat (chicken, pork or beef). You can also have the vegetarian version of this soup with Tofu, for example. And of course, you can always season it to your taste with more sugar, dried chilli pepper, vinegar juice, fish sauce, etc. Find this soup in the best Thai restaurant in Brussels: Manola.
or northern soup (more specifically from Chiang Mai). This soup is creamy with coconut milk coupon, curry, yellow egg noodles and is served with a chicken leg. And of course, you can always season it to your taste with more shallots, marinated cabbage, lime pieces, etc. According to one version of the story, Khao Soi first appeared in Chiang Mai when Chinese Muslims (Yunnan Muslims) settled in northern Thailand and lived in Chiang Mai in the late 19th or early 20th century. Khao Soi is a dish that mixes the curry of the Muslim culture with the noodles of the Chinese. Find this soup in the best Thai restaurant in Brussels: Manola.
is a Thai soup based on vermicelli, soy and mung bean with its beautiful Sukiyaki sauce. Of course, you can choose your favourite meat (chicken, pork, beef, seafood) at your choice. It also contains a wide variety of Chinese vegetables such as Shiitake mushrooms. The "Sukiyaki" is a Japanese hotpot, but the Thais have taken up the idea and created their own version of this hotpot with a bold tasting sauce that better suits our palates.
is composed of rice noodles, tofu, crispy ravioli leaves, superb fish balls, shrimps, squid and the delicious Yen Ta Fo sauce made from fermented tofu and water bindweed. Generally served in traditional Thai restaurants and sold on many street stalls, Yen Ta Fo is popular throughout the country and is usually eaten as a main course.
is a spicy soup made from rice noodles, pork dumplings, ground pork, green beans, cabbage, peanuts, ground chilli and lime. It is a bowl of tasty and hearty pork noodles. Instead of using slices of pork that are simply boiled and ground like any other regular pork noodle, Sukhothai noodles use BBQ pork, the red meat type, with its sweet, aromatic flavours that enhance the bowl.